Nixies Lake was once the most beautiful lake in MU. Now, you'll find Spirit Nixie and Nix guarding the great lake and its surrounding area. Selupan has summoned a curse over the area with the use of Secromicon's Book of Magic, causing powerful ice storms to completely freeze the lake. Legend says that great mages journeyed here in order to find Secromicon's Book of Magic, through a secret path of Raklion. However, after reaching Nix these mages were greeted with a slaughter as Nix has become cursed by the book's evil magic. Nix possesses the book's magical power and rules over the area. Now, all the creatures of Nixies Lake, including Spirit Nixie, have become cursed by this evil magic. Only the very brave dare to challenge this great beast or the creatures of the lake.
- Requires character level 700 to enter or warp.
- Recommended for characters level 700 ~ 900.
- Valued monster drops:
- Bless / Soul / Life / Creation
- Excellent items
- Excellent Holyangel armor
- Valued boss drops:
- Errtel
- Seed Sphere
- Pentagram
- Blessing of Spirit
- Mysterious Stone
- Sealed Bloodangel armor

Monster level 125
- Health: 240,000
- ATK DMG: 2,500 ~ 2,550
- ELE DMG: 930 ~ 1,110
- DEF: 1,800
- ELE DEF: 1,500
- DEF Rate: 1,000
Monster level 127
- Health: 120,000
- ATK DMG: 1,500 ~ 1,600
- ELE DMG: 960 ~ 990
- DEF: 1,400
- ELE DEF: 1,500
- DEF Rate: 800
Monster level 129
- Health: 125,000
- ATK DMG: 3,100 ~ 3,200
- ELE DMG: 1,200 ~ 1,300
- DEF: 1,500
- ELE DEF: 1,500
- DEF Rate: 2,000
- Boss zone co-ords: (113, 109)
- Required item: Spirit Nixie's Shard
- Spirit Nixie's Shard can be purchased from NPC Priest James.
- Character's cannot enter the boss zone if other characters are already in the boss zone.
- Character's cannot enter the boss zone if Nix has not yet respawned.
- If a character dies while fighting with a Party, the character cannot reenter the boss zone until the battle ends.
- If there are no characters within attack range, Nix immediately starts to recover HP every second.
- If all characters are killed, the boss zone entrance reopens and Nix fully recovers HP.
- If Nix is killed, it will respawn after about 24 hours.
- After Nix is killed, character are automatically removed from the boss zone after 5 minutes.
- On death, Nix drops one item per character in the boss zone.

Monster level 198
- Health: 30,000,000
- ATK DMG: 10,000 ~ 12,000
- ELE DMG: 4,500 ~ 5,000
- DEF: 3,000
- ELE DEF: 1,950
- DEF Rate: 2,140
- Difficulty: ?
- Respawn time: 18 ~ 24 hours
- DEF: ?
Skills & Abilities
- Energy Ball - causes AOE damage, and has a high chance to decrease DMG and DEF for 30 seconds.
- Ice Rain - causes AOE damage, and has a small chance to cause Freeze debuff for 30 seconds.
- Ice Breath - causes AOE damage, and decreases movement speed for 60 seconds.
- Ice Boom - used after Ice Breath, it causes AOE damage. 2 second cast time.
- Knoledge Absorbtion - Used when HP is significantly low. Nix becomes invincible for 3 minutes, and creates 2 Barrier Stones nearby. Nix will uses Ice Rain skill for 3 minutes. If the Barrier Stones are not destroyed within 3 minutes, Nix summons x20 monsters. *Barrier Stones only take ELE DMG.
- Devil Eyes - Used right before Nix's HP reaches 0. A magic circle is generated at a random location. After 10 seconds, all areas outside the magic circle will have black ice rain pouring down from above. If a character is outside of the magic circle, the character's dies instantly.
- This map has entrances to/from: Raklion
- Disconnecting and changing servers will move your character to the map's safe-zone.

Owned by Izak Thompson
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